This is the “Rusty Monkey”. A Phatagorva variant tied by Simo Rytsy from Kälviä in Finland. Simo likes to fish the Rusty Monkey in the northern rivers of Norway when the water is up and a little bit dark. Especially in the early mornings. Simo fishes the rivers, Beiarelva and Saltdalselva in Norway with this fly. Every month we pick a fly from members post in the group: Monkey Fly Tying. The fly is featured here in the blog and the tyer allso recieves a free piece of monkey hair as recognition of the work. The "Rusty Moneky" Recipe: Body: 1" copper tube with veevus holo tinsel rusty brown on it. Under wing: First layer: Orange polar bear. Second layer: Orange temple dog. Hackle: Orange cock Middle wing: Black fox. Small abount of tinsel flash. Top wing and finish: Three layers of monkey hair. Capercaillie hackle. Two more layers of monkey. Jungle cock. peacock herls. Enjoy! (A couple of "Rusty Monkeys")
The River, Saltdalselva runs in the northern part of Norway and has around 65 km of salmon fishing waters. Salmon fly fishers from England has been fishing here since the middle of the 18,th century. They came and fished from june til August every year. Salmon up til 20 kilos was not unusual. You can find more info about this river and the fishing here. |