I spoke recently with Markus Hietala who posted this fly in the facebook group for monkey hairwing flies and asked if i could post this fly on the blog here, and lucky for us, he agreed. Markus says; "It doesn't have name yet. I just get idea for the fly on yesterday. But I sure do have expectations and hope it will give me some success on next summer". I think the strongly brushed white dubbing with orange and shades of metal gives the fly a great contrast against the black wing with strong silhoutte" I believe in this fly, and i also believe you will have succes with this in the summer. Tight lines! The recipe: Tube: 1” aluminum tube. Butt/Hitmark: Hot orange yarn, ensured with glue. Body: 1/3 of body Holo tinsel and 2/3 of body with super bright white dubbing Rib: soft wire copper Hackle: hot orange cock Underwing: orange polar bear Throat: Black soft hackle Upper wing: Four times colobus monkey with some flashabou. Cheeck: Jungle Cock |